Trace a Number

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Trace a Number

If you’re trying to find the owner of a phone number, there are several online tools and services that can help.

Reverse phone lookup websites are one option to utilise. There are many websites that allow you to enter a phone number and receive information about its owner. Some of the most popular sites include Whitepages, Yellow Pages, and Reverse Australia.

There are also Search Engines. You can also try entering the phone number into a search engine like Google by using the Boolean “insert number”. Sometimes, if the number is associated with a public listing or social media profile, it will appear in the search results. This is a coin toss. The number has to be “public” or be out in the open for you to see this information.

Likewise, social media is an alternate. You can try searching for the phone number on platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn. If the owner of the number has linked their profile to the number, you may be able to find their name and other information. However, privacy restrictions may limit the results especially if the number is Australian based.

If you get stuck, National Inquiry Agency is home to the best private investigators in Sydney.

We have the capabilities to trace landlines and mobile numbers that were held in a person’s name within Australian and abroad that is now disconnected. In order to do this, our private detective agency utilises various databases, and investigative techniques such as discreet enquiries and social engineering in order to obtain results.

Social engineering is a tactic to gather information about the owner of a number. For example, they might call the number and pretend to be a survey company or other legitimate entity in order to elicit information from the person who answers. This method has certain legal frameworks the investigator needs to abide by.

In order to trace the user of a number, we also implement location services and skip tracing tactics to find the credentials behind the number used, such as their full name, date of birth, potential address, online accounts and other information. We integrate this with Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT).

Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) is a type of intelligence collection that involves gathering information from publicly available sources such as the internet, dark web, deep web, social media, news articles, and other public data sources. This includes business information, online personas, exposed or leaked data as well as other information. Our private investigators, use a variety of tools and methods for OSINT, including but not limited to data mining, social network analysis, web scarping, data washing and utilising tools to show connections between the landline or mobile number given to us, and connections to a name, address or other lead.

It’s important to note that private investigators must operate within the law and obtain the necessary permissions and legal documents before carrying out any investigation. National Inquiry Agency have experience in this area and also hold the necessary licensing and insurances to carry out this work.

If you are looking to hire a private investigator to trace a number, please give us a call or contact us through Whatsapp or email.

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