Process Server or the Sheriff’s Office

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Process Server or the Sheriff’s Office

Process Server or the Sheriff’s Office?

From 1 July 2022, the Fair Trading Amendment (Commercial Agents) Regulation 2022 (NSW) and the Fair Trading Amendment (Commercial Agents) Act 2016 (the Act) provide that only field agents and employers of field agents are required to hold a licence to carry out commercial agent activity under section 60C of the Act.

Previous to these legislative changes, mercantile, process serving and investigative work were overseen by the NSW Police Force. This means that the industry is now divided and overseen by two separate governing agencies: the NSW Police & Fair Trading. Private Investigations and Mercantile work are now separated.

Those responsible for investigating and surveillance of a person, such as Private investigators, will be governed under the NSW Police Force, and those carrying out collections, repossessions and process serving will be overseen by Fair Trading. As a result licencing fees have increased upwards to about 400% for firms.

At National Inquiry Agency, you can be confident that our team will continue to ensure that recent legislative changes in our industry do not impact our clients despite increased licencing costs, and racing fuel prices. We continue to hold all licences to ensure process serving has that investigative flare!

Here are four good reasons why you should choose National Inquiry Agency to Process Serve your documentation:-

#1 Time Restrictions

National Inquiry Agency is not constricted by a timeframe.

Due to our flexible working arrangements, we are able to attend premises outside the standard shift of 9:00am to 5:00pm, when most debtors are not home.

Our schedules depend on the movements of the person of interest.
If the documents are required to be served urgently, we have the option to wait for the client to return to their home.

#2 Residence Surveillance

National Inquiry Agency will not only go to a person’s residence and knock on their door, at National Inquiry Agency, we go above and beyond to serve documents on a person of interest, we will screen registration plates, look for signs of occupation, talk to neighbours, and takes photo of the property to monitor for signs of movement.
If the Debtor avoids being “served,” National Inquiry Agency may send a surveillance team to the property to wait for the Debtor to return.

If the Debtor does not return to the property, we have the technology to track their whereabouts to ensure that the documents are “served” in a timely manner.

#3 Multiple Attempts to Serve Documents

National Inquiry Agency ensures that the premises are visited on regular intervals to ensure that documents are “served”.

We can be on site every day, and not just once a day, but multiple times in a day. We can also arrange different blocks of time, including weekends, to meet the debtor at home.

National Inquiry Agency will attempt to serve the documents no matter how difficult this may be.

#4 Technology on the Call

National Inquiry Agency has the technology to report the outcome of a service attempt immediately.

Urgent matters can be reported within minutes of a visit, whether it was successful or not.

This is an important part of the task as the customer could be going to court and may need an adjournment if the documents are not able to be served or it allows time for alternate arrangements to be made.


National Inquiry Agency will also ensure, that we are serving the documents on the correct person!

We will serve all types of documentation to a person of interest – subpoenas, warrants of apprehensions or arrests, family law applications, writs and all civil documentation NATIONWIDE!

National Inquiry Agency will continue to operate as usual, ensuring minimal disruption to our clients, by continuing to be able to serve documentation as well as being able to investigate and locate Debtors.

We help LAWYERS WIN cases.

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