Working with clients experiencing a separation or family dispute can be understandably challenging, particularly when the parties involved are prone to making rash, emotional decisions. Acting promptly, with a cool and level head, is crucial to gaining strategic advantage when working with family law proceedings and disputes.
Beyond serving family court documents, a Private Investigator can assist the family dispute process in a number of ways: Financial Disclosure After a relationship ends, it is not uncommon for there to be dispute over the finances, particularly when it comes to divvying up assets in a separation. A client may suspect their partner has hidden assets or has not declared an employment role or other income. A client may also have questions as to whether the ongoing financial obligation to any children of the family will be secured in future. An investigator is able to gather evidence relating to finances prior to or after the separation has occurred. Evidence of undisclosed assets or involvement in business may prove a party to the separation is not providing full and frank financial disclosure. Parental Responsibility Disputes Disputes over the parenting responsibility of children are commonplace in family disputes. Clients often become incredibly emotional when making custody arrangements. The wellbeing and safety of the child in question is the major concern. An Investigator can obtain evidence as to whether a parent is able to provide adequate and safe care to a child, through in-depth surveillance. It is unfortunately quite common to find instances of neglect or abuse in these cases. Surveillance can also determine whether court order affecting children has been breached by a former partner. Stalking, Illegal Monitoring and Harassment Family disputes can often bring out the worst in people and it is not uncommon to find a party to a separation has taken the matter a step to far by engaging in stalking behaviours or outright harassment. In these instances, involving the police is always recommended if a client is feeling threatened, but often the police do not have the resources or ability to take such matters very far. An Investigator has dedicated computer forensic and surveillance techniques that may allow them to prove whether illegal monitoring of a client, stalking or harassment (online or otherwise) has occurred. This evidence may be used to implement an AVO, IVO or DVO on the perpetrator of such threatening behaviours. Breach of AVO When dealing with family disputes, if an AVO, IVO or DVO is involved, it may be crucial to ensure the orders are being adhered to by another party. To have the order enforced, you may require proof to provide the court that the order has been breached. This evidence can be gathered by an Investigator through surveillance and discreet inquiries. |
If you are dealing with a complex family law or dispute matter, contact NIA to see how our Investigators can assist you with the OTHER aspects of your case. |