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Tinder Bots

Certain bots are great for customer support on certain websites, but on Tinder its hard to distinguish whether you are talking to a bot or not; because believe it or not these bots flirt, send emojis and even “laugh” or “lol” at your comments. It is only when time passes will they reveal themselves.

Bots are only noticeable after they send you a URL link promoting a website, documents to download or an app to install on your device. DON’T BE FOOLED.

Verification Scams

You are matched with a bot account, they will have a short automated conversation and THEN these bots ask if you have verified your Tinder Account and ask you to click on a link regarding “Safe Dating” to do so.

If you reply concerned, an automated message will state that the link is what Tinder uses to make sure you meet the person who they say they are. DO NOT CLICK ON IT! Once you verify your account, your details such as your Name, Age, and Facebook account and/or email address is used to register you for subscriptions to adult websites.


Yes, catfishing also happens on Tinder too. This is when a real person creates a fake account and pretends to have feelings for you in order to deceive and obtain financial advantage. These people first Swipe Right, chat to you through messages, may even text your number for a while or even Skype you.

Then things escalate. They describe how they have feelings, and they are seeking a relationship, and soon enough after a couple of weeks there is some catastrophic emergency! Or medical issue! Financial debt or ruin impending on their life and they NEED YOU!

No one else can help them BUT YOU! They need some money and if you hand it over to them you have been CATFISHED.