If only ELIZABETH had a BACKGROUND CHECK done before marrying SAM

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If only ELIZABETH had a BACKGROUND CHECK done before marrying SAM

Elizabeth Sobinoff may have found out that Samuel Ball originally came from Byron Bay, New South Wales. He is model managed by Royalle Management, has featured on Adon Magazines, and was the winner of AEFM Fitness Model search in 2017, and of course…. is a ladies man.

You would only need to look at his Instagram @who_is_samm and you will see that he is an actor, and models for wedding photographers. A perfect match for the SHOW! If only she had this heads up before walking down the aisle, than just MAYBE, maybe she could have realized Sam was being an actor, acting genuine on the wedding day before he planned to take off, leaving her alone the following morning…

Save yourself the drama…..Contact Dishonest Date.

#marriedatfirstsight #MAFS #backgroundcheck #dishonestdate
