The ‘other’ dark secret impacting marriages

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 The ‘other’ dark secret impacting marriages

The ‘other’ dark secret impacting marriages

In a monogamous marriage, having intimate relations with someone else outside of that relationship is a well-known breach of trust, and considered a betrayal. This is considered the classical “cheating” or “infidelity” type of behaviour.

However, there are other forms of betrayal and dishonesty in a marriage: Financial Infidelity.

Financial Infidelity

It may manifest when a spouse decides to start opening up secret bank accounts, gambling joint savings away or purchasing shareholdings, property or other assets without the knowledge of the spouse. This includes spending despite anticipated spousal disapproval, preferences for discreet payment methods and unmarked packaging, concealing bank account information or sending bank statements to a PO Box.

According to research, people stash on average $100k from their partner over the length of their relationship. A survey of 1260 Australians conducted by Galaxy Research for TAL Life Insurance found 66% of couples have joint bank accounts, whilst 45% have an account their partner has no access to (Smart Money).

These behaviours cause a vast array of legal issues in the event of relationship breakdown.

Pursuant to the Family Law Rules 2004 (Cth), parties to a financial settlement in marriage dissolution have the duty of disclosure, which means coming forward with all assets, monetary amounts and sources held in their name. This does not always occur. In the event a spouse has committed financial infidelity over the course of the marriage, back pedalling can be very difficult.

Asset tracing can be carried out by the combination of ASIC Searches, LPI Checks, database searches, mail and account tracing, discreet enquiries and other checks. ASIC and LPI are a good start, however provide a limited scope in terms of locating hidden funds, streams of income, plant and equipment, motor vehicles and other assets that may be hidden.


National Inquiry Agency is a private investigation and private detective agency that investigates infidelity and cheating spouses, but also confirms financial infidelity as well. If you need assistance in this area, reach out.

National Inquiry Agency have investigators in Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, across New South Wales through to Canberra, Brisbane, Melbourne, and in every State and major city. No where is too far for us to reach. We also have in the past conducted asset tracing abroad, like India, Singapore, China, New Zealand, Italy, the United Kingdom, Ireland and others.

Emotional and Physical Infidelity

Our Australian legal system has a ‘no fault’ divorce policy. This means that when granting a divorce, the Court does not consider the reason/s the marriage ended. This includes cheating and infidelity.

Some signs that your spouse may be cheating can include changes in behaviour or routine, secrecy around phone or computer use, sudden interest in appearance, and unexplained absences. They may lose weight suddenly, are going to the gym and are going out for more lunches. For some spouses, at this point in time, they find it important to gather more information TO FIND THE TRUTH. We can assist with this.

The way in which private investigators can investigate infidelity is by way of traditional surveillance. Our private investigators observe and document a person’s activities and behaviour via long distance and on-foot surveillance. We will wait for them to leave their residential address or place of employment and see if they go on a date or meet up with someone.

We will go to lengths to obtain the footage required such as entering the same restaurant the spouse enters, following them close by and getting images of them interacting with any persons. We will follow them to events, apartment complexes and other sites and then afterwards undertake research on the owner or tenant of that apartment or house to unveil who they are.

Also, if your spouse is watched by one of our Investigators and is shown to be spending a lot of money on dates, brothels or other sexual indiscretions this evidence can be used to show their negative impact your financial situation. Family lawyers can weaponize this information for financial settlement cases in the event divorce is sort. Also, this evidence can be utilised in parenting arrangement disputes, if the activity shows ‘risk’ or is questionable.

Having a plan is important for the long gain.

How to Choose an Investigator?

Hiring a private investigator to investigate infidelity can be a sensitive and complex issue. It is important to carefully consider your reasons for wanting to investigate your spouse’s behaviour. If you do decide to hire a private investigator, it is important to choose someone with experience and a good reputation in the field. Someone that is licensed, has spent money on their education and willing to explain the process in a transparent manner.

Research the Investigator or the agency well.

If you wish to speak to one of our Investigators or require a referral for a family lawyer, call us today for a free consult and we will be happy to point you in the right direction.